Peiwei's Resume English
Currently I’m looking for remote job and outsource : )
- Peiwei Chen,Lead of 4 iOS App Development
- 1992-Sep-12th,Male,Chinese
- Shenzhen University,China,Bachelor,2011~2015 ,Computer Science
- Tennessee University At Knoxville,US,Exchange ,2014 ,Computer Science
- 3+ years of experience as a Software Developer,2.5+ years iOS application development using iOS SDK
- Knowledge of Cocoa,Swift,Objective-C, Xcode and Git.
- Self-starter, highly motivated, team-player
- Comfortable working in English, both in writing and spoken
Project Experience
1.图派(tu pai):
- Photo edit community
- Framework : Objective-C+MVVM+ReactiveCocoa
- +FMDB+AFNetworking+Mantle+SDWebImage+Masonry+Openshare
- MVVM+ReactiveCocoa to implement data synchronization among viewcontrollers.
2.Live Streaming App:
- Framework: Swift+Cocoapods+MVC+Alamofire+MonkeyKing+Realm+SnapKit +RTMP
- Use Realm as database manager,of which makes use of observing changes of models.
- Write all UI into Code instead of Xib Or Storyboard.
- Use RTMP Protocol for live streaming which furthest decreases delay between live host and audience.
- Use 3rd-party framework to implement Instant Message.
3.伴旅(ban lv):
- LBS Service App
- Framework: Swift+MVC+Mapbox+Alamofire+SQLite
- Integrate custom maps with Mapbox
- Coordinate system switch
- Adjust precision of incoming coordinates to meet the balance of precision need and battery life
- Draw navigation routes
Enjoy Web Explore:
- Working on a blog using python and Flask
- Experience with Javascript,Jquery,CSS,HTML
What I’m doing On June 2th :
- Made flappy bird using Swift and SpritKit,going to write tutorial in Chinese
- gonna make Swift version of CBStoreHouseRefreshControl